lovesense lush


A collection of modes for your Lovense vibrator


  • market - control your vibrator according to inverse stock market momentum
  • morse - read, via morse code vibrations, the Interior Scroll by Carolee Schneemann
  • neo - track asteroids approaching the Earth via pulses (frequency = distance, intensity = momentum) - data from CNEOS


  • A Lovense device that uses Bluetooth LE (e.g. the Lush but not the Max or Nora)
  • A working BlueZ stack with the gatttool command available on your path
  • A (free) api-key from Alpha Vantage (required for market only)


Copy Config.toml.example to Config.toml and configure each property.

bd_addr = "A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6"
      alphavantage_api_key = "ABCD1234EFGH5678"

bd_addr is the Bluetooth address of your Lovense device. This is always required. You may omit alphavantage_api_key if you do not wish to run market.

Then build and run (e.g. via cargo):

$ cargo run -- morse